Saturday 18 February 2012

Manuelito - Saturday

Our last day here at the home. It's been an amazing time and it's going to be very hard to leave in the morning.

Yesterday Mark & Duncan were asked to run a PE session for the children - basically, Duncan planned something out and Mark ran around a lot in the hot sun. Great fun.

All the craft stuff that Rosalie brought out has now been used and we've had good times making things with the children - paper aeroplanes, bookmarks and odd plasticine figures. Our Spanish has been improving no end - especially the word 'momento'- which can mean 'be with you in a moment' as the children tug on you for attention.

Rosalie made Welsh cakes for the kids this morning, which they thought were "muy rico" - very tasty. She also started a water fight - which they found hilarious.

It's been a massive privilege to see something of what God is doing here. Today a small boy has met his father for the first time - his dad is living in the US (his mother's in Guatemala and not in a good way).

We have been finding out a lot about the relationship between the home and the local church, as well as what it costs to run Manuelito and the various needs for funding. Lots of conversations to be had when we get home!!

Tomorrow we're going to La Paz to visit Pastor Luiz' church - a few hours drive away. (A change of plans - but that's the norm here :) ) He's very excited about seeing us again. Then back to the capital to stay at the Mission House until we leave on Tuesday.

Following the prison fire earlier this week, we've just been hearing this afternoon about a huge fire at the biggest market in the centre of Tegucigalpa. Please pray for this beautiful country.

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