Monday 13 February 2012


Yesterday was another full day in Honduras. In the morning we went to two services at Pastor Pinto's church. Walking in we immediately felt at home and it was great to worship with the congregation - all the songwords were projected onto a screen, which helped a lot. Duncan gave a testimony about his own beginnings with the Manuelito Project and we introduced ourselves. Mark spoke for about twenty minutes, with translation into Spanish from a member of the congregation. (We repeated this at the second service)\
The church has a thriving children's ministry - across both services there were 180 children in the Sunday School - and they provide some lunch for all of them.
It was good to hear from a young woman who leads worship there something of how the story of how the vision for engaging with the street children was introduced into the church - not without some resistance from members at the time. (Those who heard Pastor Pinto preach at St Peter's will remember him speaking about this.)
We spent the afternoon with many members of the church and friends of the Pintos at a beautiful place high up in the mountains overloooking the city, where we received fantastic hospitality. Mark played basketball with the men - there were a lot of pastors on the court, which naturally meant it was a very competitive and not always "clean" game! Rosalie, meanwhile, attended her first ever baby shower with all the women - quite an experience!

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